This blog post has been a long time coming. Who knew newborns took up so much of your time? Now that we got some sleep under our belt (it only took 2 months) we can finally show off the bundle of joy!
The Hospital
Trying to relax... it wasn't working
The infamous Giant Maple-Bacon Glazed Apple-Filled Doughnut to celebrate
Our visitors for the big day!
This is my surgeon Dr. Lane. She did an amazing job!
For those that haven't heard the Birth Story:
I had a scheduled cesarean delivery for Wed. February 29th (leap day!)
Scott walked me to the O.R. and was going to come in just before the procedure was to start so we could both be there for the birth of our son. For some reason, my body rejected the spinal and I was never completely numbed before they started the procedure. That's right folks, I felt the surgeon make the incision.
My blood pressure spiked from the stress (go figure) and they were forced to put me completely under. Scott was no longer allowed to be in the room since the surgery had changed, so he was escorted out... dragged out kicking and screaming would be more like it. It was an extremely stressful situation. But minutes later a nurse walked into the room where Scott was and handed him his son. The picture below is of that moment :)
Extremely drugged up momma
Scott caught us both napping :)
He did this on his own... adorable
Month 1
Auntie Shannie came to visit!
Tannen has become very protective of his little brother
MeeMaw and Auntie Shannie
Chilli didn't know what to make of him at first
First time outside, on our porch
Now she's just as protective as Tannen :)
First nap in his crib
Month 2 is on the way!